

From December 2022 to September 2024, the EU funded ‘Water and Environment Support (WES) in the ENI Southern Neighborhood region’ Project, implemented the National Activity “Investigating and developing a compendium with successful approaches of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system for plastics in Lebanon and Palestine” (N-E-LB-PS-P2), with the aim to recommend Road Maps of best practices to be implemented for achieving a more sustainable use of plastics in both countries.


Methodology and Implementation


The following tasks for the activity have been conducted in accordance with the ToR:

  • Task 0 Kick-off meeting (online): The KOM was held on December 8, 2022. It was attended by representatives from WES, EU, Lebanon Ministry of Environment, Palestine Environment Quality Authority (EQA) and the activity team.
  • Task 1 Inception Report: This task assessed the current situation in Lebanon and Palestine (with focus on plastic packaging) that may apply EPR and defined which type of EPR instruments and models can be implemented in both countries. It includes a review of EPR approaches and their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Task 2 Investigating what institutional frameworks exist and how they can be improved: This included investigating main public sector, CSO and private sector organisations that would need to be engaged in applying feasible models.
  • Task 3 Sharing recommendations: Draw relevant lessons and EPR success factors from the region where available e.g. Eco-Lef program in Tunisia, other EU case studies, EPR schemes and relevant projects being developed within the region (Morocco under WES, and Egypt under GIZ, etc.).
  • Task 4 Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the main actors and stakeholders in the field: Included government role/waste management companies/producers / manufacturers/informal sector/consumers/NGOs/CSOs/citizens). Producing a map of the actors affected by or involved in implementing EPR models.
  • Task 5 Assessment of options and draft road map: For each country, assessing the environmental, technical, economic and social aspects (benefits, constraints and challenges) for applying EPR and defining the main steps for EPR implementation.
  • Task 6 Synthesis Note: Summarise outcomes and lessons.


Main Results


The following are the main documented outputs as noted above:

  • Inception report on the current situation in Lebanon and Palestine (Task 1)
  • Report on institutional frameworks and actors (Tasks 2 and 4)
  • Report on lessons learned and experiences in the region (Task 3)
  • Implementation road map for Lebanon (Task 5)
  • Implementation road map for Palestine (Task 5)
  • Synthesis Note (Task 6)



  • Subject to the approval of the Road Maps, the activity has successfully achieved its objectives.
  • In Lebanon, a mandatory Plastic Take-Back (PTB) scheme for the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods has emerged as the most suitable Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) strategy. However, successful implementation will require careful planning, stakeholder engagement, and continuous improvement. By gradually increasing take-back targets and ensuring robust governmental monitoring and enforcement, Lebanon can significantly reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable waste management practices. This roadmap offers a comprehensive guide to achieving these goals, tailored to Lebanon’s unique context and needs.
  • In Palestine, a mandatory Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) targeting plastic waste has been identified as the optimal EPR approach. This strategy will also encourage sustainable waste management practices among producers, consumers, and local authorities.
  • The next steps will include further development of and formalisation of the roadmaps and implementation through appropriate regulatory and investment action by government and public-private cooperation.



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WES Project

The Water and Environment Support (WES) is an EU funded regional project designed to contribute to the implementation of an integrated approach to pollution reduction and prevention, in line with the Union for the Mediterranean agendas and the Barcelona Convention. WES is also meant to contribute to a more efficient management of scarce water resources in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region.

The project aims to do so by increasing the capacity of stakeholders that are involved in pollution reduction and water management and support them in formulating and implementing the environmental and water policies.

WES supports the shift to a more sustainable consumption and production model, promotes an integrated and efficient management of water, combats plastic pollution and marine litter and fosters dialogue on key environmental and sustainable development issues. In this way, WES also supports mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace in the region.


For any further information on WES project, please visit:      www.wes-med.eu


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DISCLAIMER: This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the WES Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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